Sunday, August 30, 2009

a quick update...

more photos:

Anyways, time for an update - It's been a full week since I've had both time and internet connection, so this is going to be the abbreviated version of events...

We had orientation all week, consisting of guest lecturers and some trips around Mérida to learn about its history & see the sights...
Monday after the lecture, we went to el centro, la Gran Plaza (navigating the bus system alone!) and had a great meal (for 23 pesos, the equivalent of $2...awesome). Every night since then we've either worked on some menial task that seems to take hours, finding out way around and waiting for those buses (that don't even stop for you to get fully on or off), or gone out to hang out/explore. Yesterday we had a day @ Los Dos Cooking School, learning how to cook traditional Yucatecan cuisine, which was really awesome (and delicious). We also went to our first soccer (futbol) game here, got rained on and completely soaked through and - ah! I have to leave now - but more later!!

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